CESR in Anaesthesia & ICM
CESR in Anaesthesia & ICM course is a unique one stop shop for all that a CESR aspirant or a CESR trainer needs to know about CESR in Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine in the UK.
Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) is a complicated process with a low success rate. We aim to make this process easier by bringing together successful CESR candidates and experienced CESR trainers and supervisors as faculty. With this course being organised virtually you have the option of joining in from wherever you are.
The course includes:
• Where to start working for CESR?
• How do I organise my portfolio?
• Using out of UK experience as evidence • Will my employment opportunities as consultant in UK be affected with CESR?
• Can I do CESR in ICM or Pain?
• How can I find the right referee?
• How best can I support a CESR candidate?
• How can my directorate develop a CESR programme?
Provisional programme attached. This course is open for all from anywhere in the world and subsidised for those joining from developing countries.
£50 registration fee (£25 for those CURRENTLY working in lower & middle income countries*)
*Email: nuth.a-line@nhs.net